
  • Corpse Party Blood Drive English Translation
    카테고리 없음 2020. 2. 14. 07:24
    1. Corpse Party Blood Drive Manga
    2. Corpse Party Blood Drive Pc
    Corpse party blood drive english translation download

    Figure this is big enough news to make a topic about (a bit hard to speak at length in the shoutbox).So Corpse Party: Book of Shadows, Corpse Party 2U, Corpse Party: Blood Drive, and Corpse Party: Dead Patient are all getting official English Releases on PC. I know at time of his departure from XSEED, Tom had said that the departure was something he had been planning for a long time. I also know he said that with Dead Patient, he hadn't handled the translation, but did do editing work on. I can't remember where I read it, but it also sounded to me like Tom's role on the latest projects he was working on was already done by the time he left XSEED. While Tom's role was huge in getting the first game released at all, he generally wasn't the sole one responsible for the translation the various Corpse Party games anyway; I don't know the specifics for all the projects, but I do know that as soon as Book of Shadows, they already had someone other than Tom also working on the translation.

    Tom was really good at keeping up with the conversation on the XSEED forums and answering questions/giving what smaller updates he could though, so it may certainly feel like things slowed down with his departure due to that. I'm sure XSEED is just as busy working on things behind the scenes regardless, though.Another thing I know is that this definitely isn't the first time a project by XSEED has taken a while to come out or seen delays. One other project where significant delays happened was actually Corpse Party: Blood Covered's PC release. One similarity is that it was a game that needed additional work to adapt to PC properly. Of the four projects announced, that definitely applies to 3 of them, Book of Shadows, 2U, and Blood Drive, since those 3 were never on PC before now.Book of Shadows has already been out for a bit, so you'd think it would be soon that we'd see the next one, though it's hard to know how much work was done before the initial announcement, as well.

    Corpse Party Blood Drive Manga


    Corpse Party Blood Drive Pc

    I also imagine they'd have Prioritized BoS, wanting to release the games in order, so good chance it was the main focus for a while, and already further along. It's also always possible 2U or any of the other projects had some unseen issues as well, since even when games look very similar on the surface, there can sometimes be some underlying key differences below that can make a particular game harder to work on, too (especially when trying to add new features the game was never built around in the first place).I also know that someone at XSEED (can't remember who, though) said that with the 'Winter 2018' release date, it was intended as it as 'sometime within the Winter season', which would be until the end of February/mid-March 2019. While that is drawing kinda close, they do still have a bit of time until that window completely passes. I may start to feel a bit more concerned if nothing else Corpse Party have released and we still have no news or updates by the end of March, though even then, I still feel fairly confident they'll come out eventually, since XSEED has still been releasing things and giving news updates outside of Corpse Party, and the Corpse Party localizations are all likely closer to done than not at this point; I don't think they'd have given as close a release window as they did otherwise.

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